About me

Welcome! I am currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (香港理工大学, PolyU). I am also working in the JC STEM Lab of Machine Learning and Computer Vision with Prof. CHAU Lap Pui. My research interests include Image/Video Processing, Embodied Egocentric Vision, Intelligent Transport Systems, and Digital Forensics.

I received BEng in Electronic and Information Engineering and MEng in Signal and Information Processing from Northwestern Polytechnical University (西北工业大学, NPU), China, and earned PhD in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from Nanyang Technological University (南洋理工大学,NTU), Singapore, in 2021, supervised by Dr. CHAU Lap Pui, who worked as an A/P at NTU (till 2022) and is currently a Prof. at PolyU.

Prior to joining PolyU, I worked as a Research Fellow in EEE, NTU until March 2023 with PI A/P YAP Kim Hui. Prior to going to Singapore, I was involved in national projects and a robotics center at NPU, China, supervised by Prof. WAN Shuai and Prof. MEI Shaohui.



We are actively recruiting image/video processing, computer vision, 3D vision, and self-motivated PhD (including self-finance students) to join our research group at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Strong candidates can contact me to be nominated for Dual PhD Degree (2+2), Joint PhD Supervision Leading to PolyU degree, and Joint PhD Supervision in specific universities/institutes.